
The Best Drinks To Keep You Hydrated (& It’s Not Water)


For countless years, it has been widely acknowledged that the consumption of water plays a pivotal role in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Given that the human body is primarily composed of water, it is logical to prioritize rehydration as an integral part of our daily routines, akin to eating and sleeping. Those who have encountered exhaustion following intense physical activity or the discomfort of a hangover after excessive alcohol consumption are well aware of the detrimental effects dehydration can inflict upon the body, ranging from mild headaches to severe organ complications. In truth, insufficient water intake can give rise to complications that can even prove fatal.


Water has become synonymous drinks with hydration and maintaining a healthy diet, so much so that we often overlook other options. Contrary to popular belief, research suggests that water may not always be optimal for fueling our bodies. This article presents 12 alternative drinks that are excellent for staying hydrated. We want to emphasize that we are not suggesting you eliminate water from your daily routine. However, incorporating these diverse beverages into your diet can offer additional health benefits beyond what plain water provides. Moreover, each drink on our list offers a delightful flavor, far surpassing a simple glass of tap water.

Fruit juice

Fruit juice

Introducing a Nutrient-Rich Beverage: Fruit Juice, the Perfect Water Alternative

When it comes to quenching your thirst while nourishing your body with essential vitamins and minerals, fruit juice emerges as an excellent choice. Unlike plain water, fruit juice offers an enticing blend of flavor and health benefits. One notable advantage of fruit juices, among many others, is their enriched electrolyte content. Electrolytes, such as sodium, potassium, magnesium, and more, play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of bodily fluids and ensuring optimal cellular function.


Electrolytes act as the driving force behind various bodily processes, making them particularly important during physical exertion or when recovering from a hangover. While water alone can provide hydration, replenishing electrolytes through fruit juice can significantly enhance the recovery process. This is why health drinks, including fruit juices, are often recommended in such scenarios.


By opting for fruit juice as a hydrating beverage, you not only quench your thirst but also provide your body with an array of essential nutrients. The vitamins and minerals present in fruit juices complement their hydrating properties, offering a refreshing and health-boosting alternative to plain water.


Embrace the goodness of fruit juice as an ideal substitute for water, ensuring your body receives the hydration it needs while enjoying the added benefits of vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes.

When it comes to replenishing your body with essential vitamins and electrolytes, fruit juice is a fantastic choice. Take orange juice, for example, which is abundant in Vitamin C and can greatly contribute to a strong immune system. Moreover, orange juice is comprised of approximately 90% water, making it just as hydrating as a glass of water on its own. For a vitamin-packed drink option, you can also consider grapefruit juice, pineapple juice, tomato juice, and more, all of which can be incorporated into your daily diet, particularly in the morning as a refreshing start to your day.


There is a common misconception that consuming fruit is twice as hydrating for the body as drinking water, but this notion has been proven false. While fruit and fruit juice can be beneficial for hydration, they should not completely replace your water intake for extended periods. It’s important to maintain a balanced approach and ensure that you include an adequate amount of water in your daily fluid intake.


In summary, fruit juices offer a convenient way to provide your body with essential vitamins and electrolytes. They can play a supportive role in keeping you hydrated, but it is essential to remember the importance of water as a primary source of hydration in your daily routine.



Dispelling a common misconception, milk is a highly effective drink for hydration. Whether you prefer skim or full-fat milk, both varieties possess a significant water content. When you consider the composition of milk, including its fat, lactose, and sodium content, it contributes to maintaining fluid balance within the body. Moreover, the nutrients and water present in milk are retained in the body for a longer duration compared to water, allowing for increased absorption.


It may come as a surprising revelation that milk can be considered more hydrating than water. While it may not be typical to witness someone replenishing themselves with a tall glass of whole milk after an intense workout, in certain scenarios, it could be a preferable alternative to water. However, it is crucial to note that milk cannot replace water entirely. It is important to strike a balance by consuming both milk and water to ensure optimal hydration. It’s worth noting that milk contains a considerable amount of calories, which can accumulate if someone substitutes all eight glasses of water with milk throughout the day.


As with any dietary aspect, the key lies in a well-rounded approach that incorporates both milk and water to achieve maximum hydration. Additionally, non-dairy milk options like almond milk or oat milk are equally hydrating, if not more so, than water. These alternatives are created by blending the respective base ingredients with water, ensuring that the body absorbs both the water content and any additional nutrients present in the milk.

Herbal tea

Herbal tea

There is a common misconception that any beverage containing caffeine is dehydrating, but this belief is far from the truth. Let’s clarify the facts. Firstly, tea is primarily made with water. Therefore, when you consume tea, you are essentially consuming enhanced water, which still contributes to your body’s hydration. Moreover, herbal tea contains antioxidants that can have positive effects on overall health, regardless of whether it is consumed hot or cold. These antioxidants, such as flavonoids, aid in cell repair and can potentially help prevent diseases like heart attacks, cancer, and even bone loss.


What makes herbal tea even more appealing is the wide variety of flavor options available. Brands like David’s Tea offer an extensive selection of loose-leaf teas, each infused with wholesome ingredients to suit various taste preferences. These teas are often blended with herbs and plants to target specific health goals, whether it’s promoting sleep, boosting the immune system, or aiding digestion.


Whether you prefer your herbal tea served hot or cold, rest assured that your body will still benefit from the hydration it provides, even if it is infused with herbs and plants to create unique flavors. So, indulge in a delicious cup of herbal tea knowing that you are not only satisfying your taste buds but also nourishing your body with essential hydration and potential health benefits.

Sports drinks

Sports drinks

Sports drinks are frequently chosen as an alternative to water for rehydrating the body, particularly brands like Gatorade that include electrolytes and carbohydrates to replenish the body after vigorous physical activity. These drinks often feature athletes in their advertisements because they are the primary target audience. However, it’s important to note that for most people, sports drinks should not completely replace water due to their high sugar content, as this can have negative effects on physical health, such as eroding tooth enamel. On the positive side, sports drinks contain sodium, which aids in better water retention and may also include amino acids that assist in muscle recovery.


In addition to the well-known choice of Gatorade, another popular sports drink brand is Body Armor. What sets it apart is that its bottled beverages do not contain artificial sweeteners. Body Armor offers options such as zero-sugar Lyte drinks and Edge drinks that contain caffeine. If you lead an active lifestyle, incorporating a sports drink into your diet can help maintain optimal hydration levels for your body.

Coconut water

Coconut water

Discover the Refreshing Power of Coconut Water for Optimal Hydration


When it comes to staying hydrated on a scorching day or recovering after a night of revelry, few beverages rival the benefits of coconut water. Known for its clear, slightly sweet, and nutty flavor, coconut water is the translucent liquid found within coconuts. Unlike coconut juice, it typically does not contain fruit purée. Packed with an array of electrolytes, especially potassium, coconut water is an excellent choice for maintaining healthy blood pressure levels. Moreover, adequate hydration plays a crucial role in preventing kidney stones, and the electrolytes present in coconut water can enhance the body’s filtration process, reducing the likelihood of a hospital visit due to this painful condition.


One prominent brand that offers coconut water is Vita Coco, readily available at most grocery stores. This brand presents an assortment of flavors, including the original coconut taste as well as delightful combinations like pineapple and peach mango. These variations not only add a burst of flavor but also offer a gratifying way to nourish your body.


Next time you need to quench your thirst or revitalize yourself, consider reaching for coconut water as a delicious and hydrating alternative to plain water. With its naturally replenishing properties and the refreshing options provided by brands like Vita Coco, you can give your body a treat while keeping it well-hydrated.

Aloe vera juice

Aloe vera juice

Discover the Hidden Benefits of Aloe Vera Juice


While it may not be the most popular beverage choice, Aloe vera juice is an underrated gem that offers numerous health benefits, particularly in keeping you hydrated. This unique drink can be derived from the green outer leaf or by combining aloe vera gel, widely known for its topical medicinal uses, with water or citrus juice for an extra burst of flavor. Packed with antioxidants and antimicrobial properties, Aloe vera juice holds potential advantages for your well-being, such as supporting a healthy digestive system and promoting clear skin, although scientific evidence remains inconclusive.


It is worth noting that Aloe vera juice made from the green outer part of the plant has a known laxative effect. Therefore, consuming large amounts of this variant can be unsafe. However, commercially available bottled versions typically contain only trace amounts of the substance, ensuring a safe intake of essential vitamins and minerals when enjoyed in moderation.


Alternatively, you can easily create your own Aloe vera beverage at home by slicing the aloe vera leaf and mixing it with water, juice, or sweeteners. Boiling the mixture on the stove yields a delightful DIY Aloe vera tea that can help soothe your stomach. Furthermore, incorporating this beverage into your routine will certainly assist in meeting your daily hydration goals.


Unleash the potential of Aloe vera juice and unlock its often overlooked benefits. Stay refreshed, nourished, and revitalized with this rejuvenating drink.

Electrolyte mixes

Electrolyte mixes

Hydration serves as the primary marketing strategy for electrolyte drink powder mixes. These products, such as Pedialyte and Liquid IV, emphasize the inclusion of essential electrolytes like sodium, glucose, and potassium to enhance water absorption by the body. Pedialyte, a well-established option available in liquid bottles and drink mixes, is renowned for its nutrient-rich composition and is even recommended for maintaining hydration in babies.


Pedialyte offers conventional flavors like berry or orange, while Liquid IV caters to individuals with more refined taste preferences. Both brands highlight similar benefits of electrolytes and vitamins, but Liquid IV presents a diverse range of flavors, including piña colada and Seaberry. The market features numerous other brands offering variations of electrolyte drink mixes, all serving as effective means of replenishing the body when water alone falls short. Moreover, these products prove valuable when consumed before engaging in strenuous physical activity or alcohol consumption, preventing initial dehydration.