Diabetes Symptoms, Triggers, and Description (2) Read Now

Diabetes: symptoms, triggers, and description
Diabetes symptoms, triggers, and description (2) read now 4

Diabetes Symptoms, Triggers, and Description

What is diabetes?

Diabetes is a disorder in which the body’s ability to generate and use insulin is compromised. Insulin is a hormone that is formed by the pancreas. Insulin is released as the body converts the food you consume into energy (also known as sugar or glucose). Insulin helps transport this energy to the cells. Insulin serves as a “key” in the body. It sends a chemical message to the cell, instructing it to open and accept glucose. Too much sugar stays in your blood if you contain little to no insulin or if you are insulin resistant. Individuals with diabetes have blood glucose levels that are higher than average. Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes are the two most common forms.

Diabetes Symptoms, Triggers, and Description

What is Type 1 diabetes?

When you have Type 1 diabetes, the pancreas doesn’t contain any insulin. Juvenile diabetes, also known as type 1 diabetes, is often diagnosed in adolescents and teenagers. It does, however, happen to adults. This form of diabetes affects between 5-10% of diabetics.

What is Type 2 diabetes?

Insulin resistance occurs when the body does not contain enough insulin or when the cells are unable to use it properly, resulting in type 2 diabetes. Since type 2 diabetes is diagnosed later in life, usually after the age of 45, it is referred to as “adult-onset diabetes.” It is responsible for 90-95 percent of diabetics. Type 2 diabetes has been diagnosed more often in younger people, including teenagers, in recent years.

Diabetes Symptoms, Triggers, and Description: More

Are there other forms of diabetes?

According to the American Diabetes Association, gestational diabetes occurs during pregnancy and affects approximately 18% of all pregnancies.

Gestational diabetes normally goes away after the birth, but if you’ve had it before, the chances of getting it again in potential pregnancies are higher. Pregnancy will expose Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes in some women, and these women may need to continue their diabetes care after the baby is born.

There appears to be a correlation between the risk of gestational diabetes and the development of Type 2 diabetes, and many women who have had gestational diabetes later develop Type 2 diabetes. Insulin resistance is present in both gestational diabetes and Type 2 diabetes. Certain simple lifestyle changes can aid in the prevention of diabetes following gestational diabetes.

Prediabetes is another form of diabetes. The blood sugar levels of a person with this condition are higher than average, but not high enough to be diagnosed with diabetes. In addition to the 30.3 million individuals with diabetes, the American Diabetes Association estimates that 84.1 million people in the United States have pre-diabetes.

What are the causes of diabetes? 

Diabetes may be caused by genetics, lifestyle, and climate. Diabetes, especially Type 2 diabetes, can be caused by consuming an unhealthy diet, becoming overweight or obese, and not exercising enough. An autoimmune reaction causes type 1 diabetes. The pancreas’ insulin-producing beta cells are attacked and destroyed by the body’s immune system.

Diabetes Symptoms, Triggers, and Description

How does diabetes affect my body?

High blood sugar levels (also known as hyperglycemia) can cause kidney disease, heart disease, and blindness over time. Excess sugar in the bloodstream can cause damage to the small blood vessels in your eyes and kidneys, as well as hardening or narrowing of your arteries.

What are the symptoms of diabetes?

  • Excessive thirst 
  • Urination frequently 
  • Vision is blurry.
  • Hunger to the point of death
  • Increased fatigue
  • Unusual weight loss 

How can I find out if I have diabetes?

An eye doctor or a foot doctor can discover diabetes during a routine exam. Diabetes wreaks havoc on your feet’s drainage as well as the tiny blood vessels in your brain. If your eye doctor or foot doctor thinks you have diabetes, they will prescribe a blood sugar level test for your regular physician.

A fasting blood glucose test is the most common test. Your doctor will take a blood sample after you haven’t eaten for at least eight hours, normally overnight. Fasting blood glucose levels should be between 70 and 110 mg/dl in non-diabetic people. You could have diabetes if your level is 126 mg/dl or higher.

What do I do if I see signs of diabetes? 

Consult the doctor to get tests done to decide if you have diabetes or prediabetes. Your doctor will make recommendations to lower the blood sugar level to cure diabetes or prevent the onset of Type 2 diabetes.